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5 Facts about Meme Marketing vs Brand Strategy.

There are two different ways to promote a brand, meme marketing and brand strategy. Each has advantages and disadvantages of its own. The following five detailed steps show how meme marketing differs from ordinary brand strategy.

Audience Collaboration 

Viral Content: Memes are made to be extremely relatable and shareable content that the brand creates for the audience engagement, and they frequently evoke particular online communities. They work closely to engage younger, digitally native audiences because they thrive on humor, trends, and virality. Viral content tends to have much higher CTR by 14% than email marketing.

Brand Strategy: Conventional brand strategy concentrates on gradually creating a combined and consistent brand image. With carefully considered ad campaigns and advertising frequently with a longer-term focus, it engages a wider audience. It inspires the audience and builds a long-term relationship with the brand. A successful brand marketing strategy brings in positive sales revenue.

Length of Content  

Viral Content: Memes frequently capitalize on current events or trends and are momentary. Their significance can rapidly disappear; thus, brands must always produce fresh content in order to remain relevant. And match the market demands in terms of relatable content, where negative marketing also plays a vital role, where having the correct amount of negative humor in your content can make the content go widely viral. 

Branding Approach: The core of a brand strategy is never-changing and enduring content that upholds the identity and values of the company. It is not interested in short-lived, temporary connections but rather staying in power and having a lasting impact. Where a brand tends to leave a mark of their own product or brand in terms of tagline, jingle, or short film.

Control and Risk

Viral Content: Because memes go viral, marketers have less influence over how people distinguish and distribute their content. Indefinite results from this, including the possibility of misunderstandings or negative reactions.

Branding Approach: Conventional brand strategy is more managed, with carefully thought-out ads that add the objectives and core values of the brand. While there is less chance of unforeseen outcomes, this may not be as spontaneous as meme marketing.

Economic Viability 

Viral Content: Making and broadcasting visual memes can be a cost-effective and efficient strategy. For smaller businesses or those trying to create an immediate impression, it’s an approachable tactic.

Branding Approach: Research, design, and marketing expenditures must often be made in large quantities in order to develop a comprehensive brand strategy. Even though it is more expensive, it can result in enduring consumer loyalty and brand equity.

Aims and Objectives

Viral Content: Creating a viral moment, raising social media engagement, and creating buzz are frequently the main objectives of meme marketing. Short-term impact is more important than long-term brand development.

Branding Approach: Establishing a powerful, ever-lasting brand identity that fosters consumer loyalty, trust, and awareness is the main goal of brand strategy. It’s a long-term strategy that complements the overarching goals and values of the company.

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